Content Marketing Blog

Content Marketing Blog

Securing Your Social Media Presence

Data security is a big issue, one of concern to both businesses and individuals. From headlines about the NSA compromising private email to Google’s decision to use https (an encrypted, secure connection) for all its services, we see this concern more and more in our day-to-day use of the Web. Today I’m going to share […]

Key Factors in Failed Content Marketing Efforts

Content marketing has officially sailed past the early adopter stage. Most reputable marketing firms and experts espouse the tactic as a key component to an overall successful marketing strategy. We’ve heard since the advent of the Internet that “content is king,” and this truth has given rise to the current undeniable trend of using content […]

How the Evolution of Big Data Impacts Content Marketers

Big Data is so big, so daunting, so dynamic and seemingly limitless, it’s tough to even wrap our minds around how it works, let alone how it can help shape marketing strategies. Yet the evolution of Big Data is so critical to our future marketing success, it will soon be almost required that marketers comprehend […]

Brand Journalism: Paywall, Meter, or Free?

It’s no secret that journalism — however defined — is shape-shifting as technologies evolve and merge, and readership ebbs and flows. So too have the revenue models that make it possible. At the moment brand journalism is often consumed by audiences “for free.” Yet, we all know there are no free rides. Someone has to […]

Google Glass: Media Creation Field Kit

I’ve been testing Glass as part of Google’s Explorer program since last August, and over the past few weeks I have really put it through the wringer creating documentary footage of this year’s Mardi Gras in New Orleans. While Glass is aimed more at the smartphone market than the video market, it is still a […]

Content Marketing for Thought Leaders

Welcome to SixEstate News: Content Marketing for Thought Leaders. SixEstate is a content and search marketing company powered by professional journalists and editors. We pride ourselves on publishing thoughtful news you can use. Please let us know how we’re doing. CMS + CRM = OMG Like many small businesses, SixEstate has been working at wedding our Content Management […]

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SixEstate has been instrumental in enhancing our digital presence and creating a strong brand reputation for our company. They've driven web traffic up by over 400% year over year. I highly recommend contracting SixEstate as an extension of your marketing team. They are constantly evolving to stay ahead of the competition and have made a huge difference in our performance.

Leslie May Marketing Manager, Seven Seas Water Group

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