Content Marketing Blog
Content Marketing Blog
Pinterest Content Marketing for Authors
Pinterest works as a content curation and content marketing tool. Here, tips for authors who would like to use this social network.
Paywalls and “Digital First” As Media Survival Tactics
Whether it’s implementing print cutbacks, erecting paywalls, or going fully ‘digital first,’ print journalism is doing its best survive.
National Labor Relations Board Declares Many Corporate Social Media Policies Unlawful
The National Labor Relations Board told GM, Target and Dish Network their social media policies are excessive to the point of being unlawful.
Your Hedgehog Runs on a Newswheel
Hedgehogs Run the Show? Joe Pulizzi, founder of the Content Marketing Institute, wrote on Wednesday: The hedgehog, in business, is that thing your business can be the best at… that combines your unique talents and passion into something you can make money doing. He writes that a similar parallel exists in content marketing: “Do one […]
Do You Know What It Means to Miss Times-Picayune?
New Orleans’ Times-Picayune (TP) will move from daily to thrice-weekly editions. How will this affect content?
Google Knowledge Graph: The Next Generation of Search
Facebook, Facebook, Facebook. That’s the online story that has dominated the news for the past week. “Facebook shares are going on sale, we can all get rich,” rapidly turned into wails of dismay as the Internet titan’s stocks began to devalue almost immediately. Meanwhile, Google was stealthily introducing something big… Oliver Marks at ZDNet has […]
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