Content Marketing Blog

Content Marketing Blog

Libyan Citizen Journalist Nabbous Killed

Bombing and tank invasions by military forces began March 18 in Benghazi, the second largest city in Libya, even after Muammar Abu Minyar al-Gaddafi declared a cease-fire in the countrywide conflict. Mohammed Nabbous, one of the most prominent citizen journalists in Libya, was killed by gunfire on March 19 while reporting on those civilian attacks. […]

State of the U.S. Media

More Americans now get their news online than from print newspapers — 46% vs. 40%, according to Pew Research Center’s Project for Excellence in Journalism (PEJ). At 50%, television is the only medium that tops the Internet as a news source. “The migration to the web is accelerating,” said Tom Rosenstiel, project director of PEJ. […]

The Social Media Divide and Its Cost

Social media is now commonplace. You see FourSquare stickers encouraging you to check in when you arrive at your favorite cafe. You see people checking Facebook on their phones while waiting for the bus. You yourself may even pull out your smartphone to live-tweet while at a baseball game. By the same token, there are […]

New York Times Under Fire for Rape Article

In recent months, we’ve seen the development of sites and services devoted to crowdsourced copyediting, like Soylent, and to crowd-sourced fact-checking, like MediaBugs. Sometimes you don’t need fancy software or specialized Web services for the crowd to influence a news story, however. An article published in The New York Times (NYT) on March 8 and […]

Facebook Plugin a Fix for Anonymous Comments

In Indiana, Marion County Superior Court Judge Scherry Reid has ruled that The Indianapolis Star and the Indiana Business Journal must release identifying information for readers who posted anonymous comments in the sites’ online forums. The two separate rulings are part of a defamation lawsuit by Jeffrey Miller, former chief executive of Junior Achievement of Central […]

Adobe Touts Social Media ROI Breakthrough

Software and service providers have been dancing around the issues presented by Facebook, Twitter, and other social media for some time now. That time is ending. The explosive growth of Facebook alone is forcing that sector to sit up and take notice. Measuring social media influence and integrating the data with other online efforts is […]

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