Content Marketing Blog

Content Marketing Blog

Good Sense From The Bench: Judge Rules IP Addresses Are Not People

One of my pet peeves has always been that those who legislate about technology so often have little to no understanding of it. I am very pleased to say, for a change, that it is not the case today. Judge Harold Baker of the Central District Court of Illinois gets my admiration for his stance in a […]

Osama bin Laden Story is Twitter’s ‘CNN Moment’

A friend of mine who regularly keeps up with Reddit clued me into the Osama bin Laden assassination before it even hit the traditional media. The site’s catchphrase is “news before it happens” — appropriate enough considering how the story broke. The entire Internet buzzed with the news. Twitter alone experienced one of its highest […]

PlayStation Network Hacked: A Month of PR Nightmares, Part 1

April has been a tempestuous month, both online and off. While storm clouds washed over the nation, storms also wracked the online clouds, particularly Amazon’s and Sony’s. Today, let’s start with Sony’s problem: a hacking attempt that forced them to shut down their online PlayStation Network (PSN), but also resulted in the loss of private […]

Spoofed URLs: ‘The Independent’ and the Royal Jellybean Fiasco

At a former workplace of mine, a long-running joke about malfunctioning software was, “It’s not a bug, it’s a feature.” Unfortunately, for London-based newspaper The Independent, its spokespeople have been saying this exact phrase a lot recently — and not in jest. Last week, the paper published a seemingly harmless fluff piece on its website, […]

Got an iPhone or iPad? Apple is Recording Your Movements

Pete Warden and Alasdair Allen have found something especially unsettling in iOS4, the operating system that Apple devices use. It’s news that I must admit has me reconsidering whether to stick with the iPhone when my contract ends. You see, these devices are equipped with GPS so that location-aware apps like Foursquare and such can […]

Paywalls: The New Black

Gillian Shaw, who covers technology and social media for The Vancouver Sun, writes that 90% of Canadians would turn to free alternatives before paying for news content. She cites a study by University of British Columbia professor Donna Logan entitled “Canadian Consumers Unwilling to Pay for News Online” that found only 30% of Canadians would […]

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