Content Marketing Blog

Content Marketing Blog

Twitter Media Launches Blackbird Pie Tool

Earlier this week, Robin Sloan (@robinsloan) of the Twitter Media team unveiled a new tool called Blackbird Pie that allows online publishers to embed tweets within their posts rather than needing to do screen captures and creating images. In order to use the tool, you simply enter the URL of a tweet into a box […]

The Harvard Racism Scandal

One of the most important guidelines for online reputation management is: Don’t put anything online that you wouldn’t want everyone to see. The most recent reminder of that adage is the scandal over a Harvard law student’s ponderings on race, genetics, and intelligence. Stephanie Grace, a third-year law student, sent an email to a group […]

Toy Story 3’s Viral Video Campaign

Toy Story 3 is hitting theaters mid-June and Disney/Pixar has launched an online video marketing campaign in support of the release. The videos are meticulously crafted to look like toy commercials from the 1980s: the videos are grainy and have tracking lines at the bottom to add to the authenticity of being VHS recordings rather […]

Dell’s Increased Social Media Efforts

Brian Morrissey of Adweek recently interviewed Erin Nelson, who has been the chief marketing officer for Dell for just over a year and vice president of marketing at Dell for 10 years prior. Nelson speaks about some of the changes Dell is beginning to implement, including redefining the company’s purpose to have a less narrow […]

Online Video Ads Stronger than TV + more

A roundup of news items from the past week: * The Nielsen Company conducted 14,000 surveys evaluating 238 brands, 412 products, and 951 ad executions, and discovered that online video ads are more effective than TV ads with U.S. viewers. Ads that appear within streamed TV shows online could receive more attention because the audience […]

Divide Between Political Blogs on the Left and the Right

The Nation, a weekly political periodical self-described as “the flagship of the left,” obtained the results of a recent study before its publication. That study, “A Tale of Two Blogospheres,” conducted by researchers at Harvard University, Yale University, and The University of California at Berkeley, disputes several conventional views of political blogs. Ari Melber, a […]

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