Who Owns Your Smartphone?

It’s a basic concept that once you purchase something, not rent but purchase, it’s yours — your property which you can use, abuse, or neglect as you wish. As of last Saturday, that’s not really the case anymore, at least when it comes to...

Digital Magazines, Remixed

This may be the year that digital magazines really take off and go mainstream — and not just for the reasons you might think. Sure, online magazines have been around for a while. Multimedia magazines like Lonny have had incredible success turning readers into...

Holidays Online — Midwinter 2012

It has become a tradition that I round up some of the more interesting instances of the online world’s embrace of the holidays. From the religious observers to the commercial interests, holiday content is everywhere you point your browser. Let’s take a...

Google Maps Are Back!

Four months after disappearing from the iTunes Store Google Maps has made a triumphant return! Regular readers know that my preferred combo is an iPad with lots of Google Apps for my workflow. The sudden loss of Google Maps stung. That sting was compounded by...

Fighting Poverty With Education: India’s $20 Tablet

Tablets are all the rage these days. We see more and more of them on the market, buoyed by the success of Apple’s iPad. The common factor among them all? High cost. That may be about to undergo a seismic shift as India may finally have come through on its...
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