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Content Marketing Blog

Citizen Journalism and Privacy Rights

Michelle May, relief worker, travel writer, and school psychologist, has raised an interesting question on PBS’ MediaShift blog. When is it appropriate to publicly post photos of victims of disaster, such as the Haiti earthquake? Like many other volunteers who went to the devastated country to lend a hand, May took photos of what she […]

NYC Now Considers Bloggers “Real” Journalists

The New York Police Department has finally caught up with contemporary times and will now offer press passes to online journalists. In the past, the department has regularly denied those passes to reporters who publish solely online. These changes are in response to a 2008 lawsuit that challenged the credentialing system by three web-based writers, […]

Conflict of Interest for HuffPost Impact?

In October, The Huffington Post and Causecast formed a partnership to create HuffPost Impact, a new section for the Internet newspaper that focuses on activism, social causes, and non-profit organizations. HuffPo provides the platform and outsources the content creation to Causecast, a for-profit company that provides services for non-profit organizations, including fundraising. Laura McGann, assistant […]

New Journalism Breaks the Old Rules

Gina Chen, a veteran newspaper journalist, wrote a guide called “10 ‘Journalism Rules’ You Can Break On Your Blog” on her own blog, Save the Media, last March. Despite how quickly things change with technological progress, Chen’s list is still relevant nearly a full year later. Even bloggers who cover the news (rather than less […]

Behavior of Online News Consumers

Pew Research Center, a non-profit organization that focuses on issues, attitudes, and trends shaping the USA and the world, released a report on Monday about where Americans get their news. The study was performed by Pew Research Center’s Pew Internet & American Life Project, one of the seven divisions of the Center that focuses on […]

Bloggers Fuel “You’re So Vain” Speculation

Last week, the U.K. tabloid The Sun reported that the subject of Carly Simon’s legendary song from 1972, “You’re So Vain,” had been revealed to be David Geffen. In yet another example of media Telephone, other news outlets followed suit, such as the Huffington Post. Roger Friedman, a veteran entertainment industry reporter who helped create […]

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