Content Marketing Blog
Content Marketing Blog
Buying Facebook or Twitter Followers? Read This First!
As a social media instructor and administrator, I constantly get questions from clients about building their community on various platforms. Inevitably, the conversation turns to the idea of buying followers. Websites abound offering to get you thousands of followers for a fee, sometimes as low as $50. These can be very tempting to those trying […]
Are Upgraded Content Farms Replacing Traditional Media?
The sale of by the NYT and Time Warner’s acquisition of Bleacher Report had the industry reflecting on the state of publishing.
How to Use Google Hangouts On Air
Where blogs gave the printing press to anyone with Internet access, Google+ Hangouts On Air now lets anyone create his or her own “TV station.” YouTube has been around for a long time, so the idea of video shows is not a new one in cyberspace. What is new is the fact you can now […]
Blogging to Build Trust
Is it possible to build trust on a blog if someone else is writing it? Yes, if you adhere to three simple but important blogging principles.
Time for the Annual “Is Blogging Dead?” Conversation
Blogging? Dead? Tired question. Let’s look at three reasons why blogs still matter and social sites are supplementary.
Google Hangouts Set to Take Over
Google began rolling out the Hangout functionality to Gmail users, including the ability to use apps and real-time group video chat.
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