Content Marketing Blog

Content Marketing Blog

Data Quest: Keyword (Not Provided)

Things changed in late September when Google rolled out major changes toward encrypting all search activity. Since the change, any user searching through Google has automatically been redirected to the https:// version of Google, an SSL encrypted search. There is no doubt that secure search is the new rule of the day, which means that keyword […]

Diversifying Social Media News Channels

There has been a marked increase in use of social media channels as a means of consuming news, according to a new survey from Pew Internet that was released last Thursday. The survey, completed in collaboration with the John S. and James L. Knight Foundation, is interesting from a number of perspectives. For a modern news […]

Responsive Web Design: Zero SEO Drawbacks

Mobile is vital, and anyone who reads my column knows how I feel about the subject. As the Internet continues to disconnect from the computer and assume a more ambient and ubiquitous place in our lives, mobile has been taking up more and more of the grand total of web traffic. This is where Responsive […]

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SixEstate has been instrumental in enhancing our digital presence and creating a strong brand reputation for our company. They've driven web traffic up by over 400% year over year. I highly recommend contracting SixEstate as an extension of your marketing team. They are constantly evolving to stay ahead of the competition and have made a huge difference in our performance.

Leslie May Marketing Manager, Seven Seas Water Group

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