A Social Media Christmas: Five for the Holidays

With Christmas a few short days away, it’s time for my yearly roundup of interesting holiday-oriented doings on the Web. Each year, people find different ways to use the ever-changing array of available technology to celebrate or capitalize on the holidays....

The Privacy Shuffle: Google and Twitter

Privacy and freedom of speech are the two topics inextricably entwined with the use of social media. The relentless media spotlight on Facebook’s privacy failures demonstrates it, as does the recent furor over Google’s ban on pseudonyms. Both companies...

Print Hinders Journalism Coursework

Print media is a waning facet of the journalism industry since the printing process can’t keep up with the news, so it should come as no great shock that the industry is not adequately served by printed textbooks either. The period between writing a textbook and...

WSJ’s Safehouse Not All That Safe

Last Thursday, The Wall Street Journal launched its own version of WikiLeaks. The site is called SafeHouse, and purports to provide a place where readers can help the WSJ “uncover fraud, abuse and other wrongdoing.” With the standalone site, WSJ is...

500 Fake Social Media IDs for the Air Force

“Oh look, I’ve got a friend request on Facebook!” But is it real? It could be a person or it could be a spammer. We’ve all become used to the deluge of incompetent marketing spam that rolls in waves through the various social networks, but...
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