Newseum ExhibitThe Online News Association (ONA), a membership organization for digital journalists, is part of a new exhibit featured in the Digital News Gallery of the Newseum, a 250,000-square-foot interactive museum of news in Washington, D.C.

Winners of the 2009 Online Journalism Awards (OJAs), which are given out by the ONA, will be the focus of the exhibit. It will expand in the next year to include the entire past decade of digital journalism since the awards’ inception. Interviews with previous OJA winners will shed light on the early days of the industry.

“Too much important digital journalism is disappearing before our eyes, nearly as quickly as it’s published,” said ONA executive director Jane McDonnell. “This project will be a small first step toward an archive that will capture the best of new media for posterity.”

There is now also a section on the Newseum web site dedicated to the OJAs.

A full list of 2009 OJA winners can be found on the ONA web site.

Source: “2009 Online Journalism Award winners featured in new Newseum display,” press release, 02/09/10
Source: “OJA Winners a Memorable Group,” Online News Association web site, 10/04/09
Image by Elvert Barnes on Flickr, used under its Creative Commons license.

Rachelle Matherne

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