IBPA Publishing University

Saturday, March 10, I’ll be teaching two sessions at Publishing University, held on the West Coast for the first time in about a decade. I’m glad the Independent Book Publishers Association (IBPA) agreed to test the warm Pacific waters with this conference, which has come together with little time to promote it.

If you are going to be at the conference, please send email if you’d like to get together. I’ll be teaching back-to-back sessions Saturday morning. My outlines are posted below.

Joining me on the Social Networking panel are bestselling business author and marketing consultant, Karen Leland, of the Sterling Marketing Group, and author, publisher, and entrepreneurship guru, Stephanie Chandler. This panel promises to be all business!

That will be followed by the Blogging panel, with longtime PMA, BookExpo, and IBPA friends, Maggie Lichtenberg, the big-hearted book coach, and Shannon Bodie of Lightbourne design fame. We will mostly be talking about building WordPress blogs that generate revenue along with thought leadership.

I hope you’ll join us for Publishing University in San Francisco! Due to schedule conflicts, I won’t be able to teach at Publishing University New York later this year, so I hope I get to see you down at Fisherman’s Wharf. If not, the IBPA will have recordings of the sessions available for purchase at its website.

Session #601: Facebook, Twitter and YouTube:
Social Media From the Ground Up

IBPA Publishing University West 2012
Saturday, March 10, 9:00 – 10:15 a.m.


1. Social Networking Strategy

2. Facebook

3. Twitter

4. Linked-In

5. Amazon

6. Other Social Networks
– Google+
– YouTube
– Yahoo
– MySpace

7. Book-Oriented Social Networks
– GoodReads
– FiledBy
– BookCrossing
– LibraryThing
– ShelfAwareness
– Shelfari

Session #701: Creating Websites and Blogs That SELL
IBPA Publishing University West 2012
Saturday, March 10, 10:30 – 11:45 a.m.


1) Producing Great Content

Follow the news (Google Alerts) and insert yourself into the breaking stories (Google News Search) that are most important to your targeted audiences (keyphrases). Sources of copyright-free art. Optimizing posts.

2) Syndicating Your Posts
(Amazon, Social Networks, eBooks)
Blog at one place and have it appear throughout your network. Hooking up your blog to your Amazon page. Using HootSuite to hook your blog into Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn. Gathering posts into ebooks.

3) Tracking Results
(Traffic, Prospects, Sales, Followers, Influence, Rank)

Website and blog stats for tracking traffic. TitleZ for tracking Amazon rank. Amazon Author Central for tracking sales. Tracking Facebook “likes,” Twitter followers, Google rank, mentions in articles, rank with People You Blog About. Having other things to sell besides a book.

Steve O’Keefe is co-founder and Chief Operating Officer of SixEstate Communications, and the creator of Newsblogging. He has taught Internet PR at Tulane University since 2001, as well as courses for Stanford University, UCLA Extension and PRSA, among others. Steve wrote the bestselling book “Publicity on the Internet” in 1996.

Steve O’Keefe

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